


What are the energy types of pellet machines?

2024-04-10 11:57:09

Pellet machines in the feed industry can be divided into two types according to the different properties of the processing feed raw material.

1.Pellet machine for producing fine feed: Fine feed belongs to our traditional feed industry, such as the chicken feed pellet, fish feed pellets, duck feed pellets, goose feed pellets, pig feed pellets.

2. Pellet machine for producing crude fiber feed: What is the concept of so-called crude fiber feed? It mostly includes biomass, such as straw or grass , stalk etc as the main raw material, and the pellets are for the cow feed, horse feed, camel feed or some other herbivore feed meal.

This kind of crude fiber is the main raw material. This kind of feed is collectively called crude fiber feed.

There are still relatively big differences in the feed pellet machine models used in these two branches. So we need to choose different kinds of feed pellet machines.
